Friday, June 18, 2010

And why

And why

does your face have to look so kind

and why can't I leave this mistake behind

why do your hands look like hands I could trust

why do you look like the man I've loved so very much

and why do your eyes look so kind

why do you stay on my mind

I want to rewind, I want to rewind

but even then..

I would only be climbing again toward this moment

it would all be hanging in the sky above me

and what could I do differently

how many more shapes could I have folded myself into

how much more hope could I create to cling to

It would be easier if your face looked the way you feel inside

full of misuse and mazes, excuses and adamant blame

And why

does your face have to look so kind

and why did my faith have to be so blind

and why can't I leave this mistake behind

and why does your embrace still haunt me

why does your sudden goodbye still taunt me

and why is my heart a sharp knot, a wide tangle

a thrown away mangle of sufferance

I want to unwind, I want to unwind

©N. C

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